台灣微軟宣佈在國內推出Azure Stack,讓Azure公有雲服務得以落地台灣,企業可以採購Azure Stack一體機,自行部署雲端服務,也可向台灣大哥大或遠傳電信租用Azure Stack服務,依實際使用量收費。 Azure Stack強調與微軟在全球提供的公有雲服務Azure擁有一致的體驗,但可部署於國內電信業者的IDC或企業自己的機房,使Azure公有雲服務體驗得以在國內落地。為了使Azure落地,微軟與HPE、Cisco、Dell、聯想四家業者聯手將在國內推出Azure Stack一體機,供企業或電信業者部署服務。
from iThome 新聞
Easy "water hack" burns 2 lbs OVERNIGHT
回覆刪除Well over 160 000 women and men are utilizing a easy and SECRET "water hack" to drop 2 lbs each night in their sleep.
It's very simple and it works with everybody.
Here's how to do it yourself:
1) Hold a glass and fill it half full
2) And now use this weight loss HACK
so you'll become 2 lbs thinner when you wake up!